2020 & Random Favorites

It’s been way too long since my last blog post! We’ll just blame 2020 for my massive delay. Whew – WHAT A YEAR! I don’t know about you, but this year has been a bit of a blur. It’s like life just stood still for 7 months. While it was a challenging year in many…

Beans, Beans….

Our family is admittedly obsessed with beans! Black beans, refried beans, garbanzo beans, all beans really.  Beans were one of the first finger foods I fed my girls and they have loved them ever since. Do you know just how important a diet rich in beans (and other legumes) is?  Even the American Institute of…

Why We Gave Up Dairy

If you’ve been following along for any length of time here, you know that we avoid gluten, dairy, refined sugar, and most oils in our diet.  We began this lifestyle back in March 2019 and haven’t looked back.  We’ve never felt better and have seen so many health benefits since cutting these inflammatory foods out….

Benefits of Elderberry

My very first step into the natural world came with Elderberry Syrup.  My girls had spent years battling every germ they came in contact with and I was fed up with wiping noses, missing events, numerous sleepless nights, and seeing my girls so miserable.  I knew something had to change and was desperate for a…

Bone Broth

Wellness comes in many shapes and sizes (how we spend our time, the thoughts we have, where we are spiritually, the people we are surrounding ourselves with, the foods we consume, the movement we give our bodies, our environment, and so much more).  For today, let’s focus on one tiny part of wellness……Bone Broth! Have…

Non-Toxic Home Wish List

Do you love giving gifts?  Do you love receiving gifts?  Or do you cringe at all the materialism that surrounds the holiday season?  I’m somewhere in the middle of all of those. With all the holiday shopping happening, why not fill your wish list with items that will help reduce the toxins in your home?…

Small Changes Make a Difference

Do you ever feel like the little things you do don’t actually make a dent in the big environmental issues our world has?  I know I do!  I spent years doing nothing because I didn’t feel like it really mattered what one person or family did.  But when I began to realize that small changes…

Gluten & Inflammation

A big part of our wellness journey involves the food choices that we make. This post is a good start to explaining the why behind our gluten & dairy free journey, but there is so much more to it.  In that post I talk about the bloodwork results that we received for our daughter.  Many of the…

Favorite Kid’s Books

As a former public school teacher and current homeschooling Momma, I have a bit of an obsession with children’s literature.  I have been collecting books since I was in school getting my degree in Early Childhood Education.  And even have some from my own childhood that my mom saved for me.  I mentioned a few…

Wellness Journey

Wellness means many different things to our family.  It’s not just about the toxins in our environment or the foods we put into our bodies.  It’s also about how we choose to spend our time and how we live our day to day lives.  Our choices don’t look the same as the majority and we…